
Month+/-%LastCloseHighLowPrev Settle
May 2024448.4
Jul 2024447
Sep 2024430.2
Dec 2024414
Mar 2025415.4
May 2025421.4
Jul 2025381.4
Sep 2025397.2
Jul 2026348.4
Sep 2026364.2

Converted from - to £ using rate:1.28727
Month+/-%LastCloseHighLowPrev Settle
May 2024127.96
Jul 2024127.56
Sep 2024122.77
Dec 2024118.15
Mar 2025118.54
May 2025120.26
Jul 2025108.84
Sep 2025113.35
Jul 202699.42
Sep 2026103.93

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Updated: 15 April 2024 18:40 GMT