Farming News - HS2 Phase 2b hybrid Bill – NFU submits petition to Parliament

HS2 Phase 2b hybrid Bill – NFU submits petition to Parliament

The NFU submitted a written petition in regard to HS2 Phase 2b to Parliament on 4 August 2022.

The petition highlights many issues which have occurred, and are occurring, on Phase 1 and 2a, with requests for changes either to the hybrid Bill or for assurances to be given to the NFU or an individual farmer.

In particular, in the introduction it has been highlighted how a lack of design on Phase 1 led to wholesale compulsory purchase of land before powers ran out in February 2022, land which is probably only required temporarily for construction, acquisition of rights and habitat mitigation.

The NFU have highlighted how some assurances have not been complied with and state that HS2 has to do better on Phase 2b.

Further, due to these issues and the action and inaction of HS2, the petition raises how this has led to some farmers experiencing real difficulty, anxiety and stress.

The petition highlights how the NFU believes that unprecedented measures should be taken on Phase 2b to restrict the powers of the Promoter on this occasion.

It covers everything from how compulsory powers are used for permanent and temporary land take, powers to only take rights for utility works, land taken for habitat mitigation to covering issues with drainage and flooding to weed control, the use of multiple GVDs for each farmer, the prolonged occupation of farmland and the prompt payment of compensation.

NFU members affected by HS2 Phase 2b can read the full petition here: HS2 Phase 2b hybrid Bill petition to Parliament